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How to Become a Unicorn Candidate


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

We have all met these mythical creatures. That one colleague that is always one step ahead of the curve, knows the answer to everything, and is seemingly everyone's "go-to" person. They always welcome change and can tackle almost anything thrown at them, all with a smile on their face. As a recruiter, we come across these "unicorns" that not only fit the bill technically, but are also just a dream to speak to and work with. There are a few key traits that each of these rockstars all have in common.

Strong Written and Verbal Communication

If you’re anything like me, verbal communication comes easily to you. You can have a conversation with just about anyone! Written communication, however, has not always come so naturally. (As I misspell three words already in this article, thank you spellcheck!) It is just as important to come off as confident on paper as you do in person, and vice-versa. We all have our strong suits, identify your areas of improvement, and work at becoming as well rounded as possible. After all, that's what a unicorn is right?

Attitude is Everything

Timelines, projects, and people can be unpredictable. What you can control is the way you react to change and handle tough situations. Being professional, kind and understanding will always earn respect among your colleagues. There is nothing more valuable than having an employee who you know will come to work a positive attitude and a smile on their face.

Honing Your Skills

In the Epic world, at the end of the day your technical skills are what will make you successful in your role. Keep current on your certifications, always welcoming the chance to learn more, and put in the work behind the scenes. Identify a mentor in your workplace and do everything you can to soak up as much knowledge as possible.

Be Reliable

Trust is everything, and if you commit to something, stick to it. If you take one thing away from reading this article, let it be this: Do what you say you'll do. Whether it's sending your resume when you said you would, or showing up to your meeting on time.

To put it simply, your soft skills are just as important as your technical skills. Keep working on improving each area and before you know it you will become that unicorn.