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Three Culture-Building Team Activities That Don't Cost a Thing


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

1. Team Huddles

Weekly team huddles are a great way to establish and maintain a strong culture! Getting the team together, whether in person or through a video conference, can strengthen the bond of the team as a whole and give managers insights into the tone and performance of their team. These huddles can include sharing personal and professional goals (short and long-term), achievements worth celebrating, progress updates, upcoming deadlines, etc. The main point here is to get each person sharing and contributing so everyone's voice can be heard.

2. Think Tank Meetings

On any given day or week, there are countless decisions to be made by each manager regarding his/her team. The easiest way to make decisions while building engagement? GET YOUR TEAM INVOLVED! Schedule a meeting with your team to discuss a specific topic that requires a resolution and ask them to come prepared to share their ideas! An example would be the topic of attracting new talent to join your organization. You could schedule a meeting with your team and ask them to come prepared with creative ideas that aren't currently being utilized to attract strong talent! Perhaps this includes a job fair or partnering with a local University? Just remember...this only works when you TRULY listen to your employees during these meetings and act on their ideas, not just your own.

3. Give Back

While it may be tough to gather monetary donations for a cause, it's typically very easy to donate your time! Getting your team together to give back to a worthy cause will do wonders for your culture. Everyone can bond over a greater purpose and set aside any work-related stress while giving back to those in need. Want to kill two birds with one stone? Ask each team member to share their ideas on a philanthropic activity you can do together and choose from that list, rather than coming up with your own. This one is definitely a personal favorite!