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Five Employee Perks that Don’t Cost a Thing


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

1.    Flextime and Work From Home Options

Nothing recharges your employees more than allowing them a flexible work schedule. Even one remote day during the work week will give your employees the opportunity for a more flexible work-life balance. As long as the work is getting done, it shouldn’t matter where it is getting done.


2.    Quarterly Team Volunteer Days

Giving back to your community and working for a company that values the importance of making the world a better place is a great employee perk that does not cost anything! Set aside one day each quarter where you and your employees go out and volunteer with a local organization that will benefit from the extra hands!


3.    Unlimited Vacation Time

Giving your employees the option to take a vacation whenever they please may sound risky at first, but this will motivate your team to work harder! When employees feel trusted by the company they work for, they will be of more value and produce quality work.


4.    Career Development

Having the leaders of the company set aside time to work and develop employees instills confidence and makes employees want to do their best. Nothing makes employees want to succeed more than knowing that they are working and learning from leaders that genuinely care about their growth.


5.    Team Fitness Days

A healthy team is a happy team. Healthy employees are always good for business and setting aside one day a week to work-out as a team is a great perk for everybody. Not only will this be a great bonding time for everybody, it will also strengthen workplace culture while keeping everybody healthy! 
