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Eight things to consider before relocating for that dream job!


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

Have you ever thought about relocating for a new job? It’s a very big step for anyone who is considering it and shouldn’t be taken lightly! As the Epic market is making the shift toward FTE roles, more and more folks are moving in order to find the perfect place to settle down and grow with an organization. Here are eight things to consider prior to submitting your application or talking to a recruiter:

1)   Home is where the heart is!

If you’re going to pick up your entire life and move to a different city or state, thinking about the place you move to has to light you up inside!! Do you like the hustle and bustle of a city, the quiet of the country, culture, the outdoors, etc.? The United States is a very big place with many highly renowned hospitals to choose from, so targeting areas based on your interests will help to narrow your search.

2)  Consider cost of living

Research cost-of-living norms and the average salary range for the type of role you want to be considered for. If you’re interested in moving to San Francisco, but currently live in Tampa Bay, there is a large difference in cost-of-living. Finding out what you’ll have to earn to maintain your current lifestyle and comparing that to what the average compensation is, is imperative to choosing the right place to live.  We recommend checking out this site:

3)   How will you make the relocation happen?

Research costs and logistics associated with a relocation. If you choose to hire a moving company, interview multiple and read reviews. If you choose to get a UHaul and pack up yourself, figure out the manpower and time it will take.

4)   Be very clear about what is important to you in a new job and organization  

You’ll be spending a large part of your time with the people and organization you work with. Picture your ideal scenario in your head and ask yourself what would make you excited to come to work everyday. Here are some terms to get you thinking: company culture, job scope, new projects, team/organization size, compensation, opportunities for upward mobility, health benefits, philanthropy, PTO policy, extra perks, etc.

5)   What's your current housing situation?

If you own a house, figure out whether you’ll sell or put it up for rent. If you rent and will be breaking a lease early, find out what penalties (if any) are associated with that. Once you know this, you can then make a plan. 

6)   Planning to rent or buy?

There are benefits to “trying before you buying” and well as buying right away. Start contacting real estate professionals to get an idea. HR departments in most hospitals have firms they work with and are reputable.

7)   Decide your timeframe for moving

How much notice will you need to give your current employer? How many weeks will packing and actually relocating take? Moving and starting a new job are so exciting, but can also induce stress. Give yourself enough time to ensure you're set up for success leaving your old job and home and starting anew.

8) Get your family, dog, parents, etc. on board with the move!

Lastly, but MOST importantly, be sure that anyone who will be a part of your decision making process is fully on board to take this journey with you!

Once you have solid answers to these questions, you can feel reassured that your ducks are in a row. This way, when you’re applying for jobs and/or speaking to Recruiters, you can relay in detail what you’re looking for and ask them the right questions to determine if you’d like to move forward and be considered. Once you determine you want to be submitted, you can then focus solely on what’s most important, nailing your interviews and finding a new health system to call home!