Your Epic-Only Staffing Experts


Attributes of a Strong Staffing Firm

(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

Strong Culture

Coming from a team that is connected through a genuine passion for helping others, I can say first-hand, just how important a corporate culture is. A strong staffing firm's approach with both candidates and clients should be centered around the goal of providing as much value as possible.

Focus! (Epic)

Whether you’re a hiring manager looking to fill an important role or a candidate looking for your next dream job, it’s important to find a staffing firm that specializes in what YOU are looking for. If a firm claims to be a “jack of all trades”, you’re in trouble. Ask how many roles they’ve filled within your particular area of focus and how many years of experience they have in that field. In working with a niche staffing firm, you’re more likely to have an engaged, knowledgeable partner that can help you accomplish your goals!

Going Above and Beyond

For candidates: A staffing firm should provide in-depth coaching on everything you need to succeed in landing your next dream job! Yep, they can help with the resume you've been battling with and set you up to nail that interview you're nervous about! We’ve also all experienced the recruiter “black hole” at some point...I’m glad to report that black hole should not exist! 

For clients: You should receive experienced candidates that align with your teams’ unique culture and it shouldn't take you more than 30 minutes to see whether or not they hit the mark on the skillset side. A strong staffing firm should share valuable local market intel, so you what your competition is offering, which will allow you to attract the strongest talent in the industry! 

Use a Tailored Approach With a Focus On Relationship Building

One size definitely doesn't fit all. 

Find a company that gears its approach to fit your needs as a client and or candidate. 

Put People First

Find a firm that doesn't only focus on placements—people have to come first. When people are their business, you should receive transparent, honest guidance from a responsive team that cares about your journey and future success. You should have trust that remains dedicated to delivering the right solution for your unique needs.

Have Timely Communication and Stick to Your Word

All staffing firms should be responding to clients or candidates within 24 hours and set those expectations up front. You should never be sitting and wondering what is happening with your role, your interview, or your submission.

A staffing firm should make an effort to do what you say they will do, as this is a vital way to build trust and respect.

Ways to do so:

  • Set reasonable expectations.

  • Respect others time.

  • Use that calendar!

Honesty and Transparency

A strong staffing firm will always be honest about the expectations of any client, any role, or any candidate. They will do their due diligence in finding the right person for the right position, and this comes with being honest. Transparency is another way that builds trust in any relationship. When it comes to staffing, being transparent is key to fulfilling your needs, as a client, or candidate.


  • If a role does not align with someone's career goals, be honest.

  • If a staffing firm is having a hard time finding qualified candidates for a role, they should be transparent with their client and with the overall findings.

  • If you did not get the job, your firm should be transparent with the interview feedback to help you in your next opportunity.