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5 Tips on Staying Healthy While Traveling for Work


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

It can be difficult to stay healthy when constantly on the road for work. Here are 5 great tips for all of you traveling Epic consultants!


1.    Drink Plenty of Water

 Instead of indulging in soda or wine on the flight, make sure you are staying hydrated and drinking as much water as possible. Don’t forget to pack your reusable water bottle and fill it up a few times a day!


2.    Stay Active - Bike or Walk

Walking or biking can often be quicker than driving and more beneficial to your health. If you are staying within walking distance to your place of work, challenge yourself to forgo that ride share a few times a week and get your steps in.


3.    Get Adequate Sleep

Constant changes between time zones or different hotel beds each night can make it difficult to get a full night of sleep. Make sure you create a sleeping routine, and stick with it! Earplugs, eye masks and even a melatonin supplement before bedtime can make getting your eight hours of sleep a little easier.


4.    Stretch

Stretching for just five minutes a day can improve the range and motion of your joints, which helps keep you mobile, and improves circulation. Stretching regularly can also reduce stress. Take a few minutes each morning to make sure you are taking care of yourself.


5.    Eat Healthy Foods

It can be very tempting, and a lot of times more convenient, to overindulge on food when traveling - especially if you get your meals expensed. Try splitting meals with a colleague, or order fruit instead of fries. Sticking to a healthy diet will keep your mind sharp and your body healthy!