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What are Hospitals Doing to Give Back?


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

Most people only think of a hospital when they get sick and need care. What we don't think about is how hospitals are giving back to our communities. Here are a few ways hospitals are making an extended difference:

Commitment To Their Communities

When someone thinks of a hospital, they generally think of seeing a doctor to help them get over an illness. That is because that is the only interaction they have. Most people are unaware of the commitment that hospitals have made to their patients, employees, and communities. This includes anything from fundraisers, to blood and food drives, to donations, and more. These programs are an integral support system for many groups of people that rely on the hospitals resources.

Who Is Being Helped?


The programs that hospitals support are broad and impact many different groups. A few examples are the elderly, children, lower-income families, and the military. One example of a hospital that impacts a broad spectrum of people is Kelsey-Seybold. Here is the list of causes that they support today. This list is a great reminder of how much a single hospital can help so many within their community.

Kelsey-Seybold is supporting over 70 causes themselves. With hospitals across the country doing their part, millions of people are impacted. It is important as a member of your community to support the people and organizations that are giving back.

How Do They Support These Causes?


These programs and support systems come from you and me. Getting regular checks, donating blood, food, and funds, and volunteering are a few ways that these hospitals are able to support their communities. It is truly amazing what these hospitals are doing for their communities and, without our support, they would unable to give a helping hand to so many that rely on them.