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What to Wear to an Interview


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

Confused on what to wear to an interview? We’ve all been there. Here is some advice that will help you look your best on that big interview!

Think about your audience


This is a common step that is overlooked and might be the most important. Take the time to research the office dress code and culture. The standard might be suit and tie at one office while another may be shorts and a t-shirt. Once you have done the research, it is good to dress up just above their standard. That means that you should still go with business casual attire with the shorts and t-shirt crowd while wearing a pressed suit and tie with the suit and tie crowd. Ultimately, you want to fit in with their standards while showing that you took the time to present yourself in the best manner. The running trend currently is business casual and allows for far more flexibility.

When in doubt, dress to impress


If you've done your research and can't figure out what to wear, dress to impress. This means wear a suit and tie for men and slacks, a blouse, and blazer for women. No employer will fault you for trying to look your best and business professional attire will send the message that you put some effort into your outfit.

What is business casual?

There is not a strict definition of business casual but it generally means dressing professionally without being over the top formal. It is the happy medium between the suit/tie and shorts/t-shirt crowd. This has widely become the default dress code and is a great option if you know the audience is less formal but you want to impress them.

For Men

  • Collared, long-sleeve shirt

  • Jacket/sweater (Optional)

  • Dress pants or Chinos

  • Black/Brown dress shoes with matching socks

  • Simple accessories/accents (Watch, ring, leather belt)

For Women

  • Simple, professional top

  • Jacket/sweater (Optional)

  • Dress pants or skirt

  • Comfortable, closed-to shoes

  • Simple accessories/accents (Simple earrings, necklace, bracelets that don't jingle, unchipped, neutral colored nail polish)

What not to wear to an interview


Knowing what not to wear is just as important as knowing what to wear. You might love a certain shirt or tie but it might not be presenting you in the best light. Here are a few items to leave at home.

  • Sandals/open toe shoes

  • Shorts

  • Jeans unless told otherwise

  • Tank tops or shirts with thin straps

  • T-shirts

  • Short skirts or dresses

  • Shirts that are low cut or expose midriff

  • Athletic shoes

  • Excessive cologne/perfume (Use half as much as you usually would)

  • Undergarments that are visible (Underwear/boxers, bra straps, etc)

Do a dress rehearsal


If you have followed the recommendations above, this is an important final check to make sure it all comes together correctly. A few days before your interview, put your outfit together and take a quick look. Make sure you are presenting yourself the way you feel aligns best with your audience. This is also a great opportunity to run through a mock interview with a friend or family member to make sure you will be comfortable for your interview. Lastly, the night before, double check to make sure there are no holes, snags, stains, etc so that you are fully prepped to knock that interview out of the park!