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How to Stay Healthy in the Workplace


(Originally published on LinkedIn)

All you fellow desk-job warriors out there! Take a look at some easy tips on how to stay healthy (and not go crazy) from sitting down all day!

Get Up and Move

Studies show that sitting at a desk all day can be linked to health risks. That can be a tough pill to swallow considering many of us have desk jobs! While some jobs may require you to work on a computer all day, we can all carve out a couple of minutes for our health. Set a reminder on your phone every hour to walk around or stretch for a couple of minutes. There are many apps you can utilize that will remind you to get up and move and some that will even lock your computer for a few minutes so you are forced to! Who knew? If all else fails, skip the elevator and opt for the stairs to get those extra steps in or plan on walking to lunch if possible.

Be Prepared

If you are anything like me, the snacks our coworkers bring can be quite the temptation. Who doesn't want to grab a donut or soda at 3 pm when your energy is low and you need a quick pick me up? While eating a sweet treat that's right in front of you may seem harmless, it probably won't give you the energy you need. Keep your body fueled throughout the day with healthy options you pack the night before. Bring a reusable water bottle and set a goal of filling it up three times throughout the day. If you don't have a fridge at the office, bring an insulated lunch box and pack your goodies in there. Additionally, there are many high protein snacks like nuts and whole grains that will keep you fueled without the crash!

Get Your Desk to Work For YOU


Companies nowadays recognize the negative effects sitting all day can have on your health. Many companies will provide an alternative to be the traditional desk and chair. Stand up desks are a popping up at offices all across the country. You can use them while sitting and also power them up to "Stand Up Mode" to work for a few hours on your feet. If standing and working isn't your cup of tea, there are other options that can help you be more comfortable throughout the day. An easy fix is to add a lumbar support cushion to the chair you already have. If you are feeling really adventurous, try out a balance ball chair to engage your core and ease back pain throughout the day!