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Six Ways to Make Your Flight More Enjoyable


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

1.    Listen to a Podcast


With so many options these days on just about any topic imaginable, podcasts are a great way to make your flight go by way faster. I am a huge fan of podcasts and love that I can listen to them just about wherever without having to look at a screen or read words on a page. This is the perfect alternative to a book or movie, but just as entertaining!

2.    Bring Your Reusable Water Bottle


Staying hydrated is great in general, but it is especially important when flying! Nothing dehydrates me more than a flight, so I make sure to fill up my water bottle as soon as I make it through security.

3.    Pack Your Own Snacks!


I don’t know about you, but when nothing makes me hungrier than when I am sitting on an airplane waiting to get to my destination! Airports are always over-priced, and airplanes don’t always have the best variety. I always make sure to pack some healthy snacks that keep my stomach satisfied until I land. 

4.    Bring Comfortable Travel Gear


No matter how short or long my flight is, I never leave home without my neck pillow. Whether my flight is two hours or eight hours, I like to make myself comfortable, so I am well-rested as possible by the time I reach my destination.

5.    A Good Movie or Book


I love a good book but if you prefer a movie, that works too! One of my all time favorites is Leading an Inspired Life by Jim Rohn. This kills a few hours and if your flight is not too long, the credits will be rolling while the plane is descending into your destination. 

6.    Get Moving and Stretching!


If your flight is more than a few hours long, take a little stroll up and down the aisle of the plane to get your blood flowing. I always try and stretch before my flight because I know that moving around on an aircraft can sometimes be more challenging. If you have a layover, make sure to get in a lap or two around your terminal!