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Five Tips to Create an Efficient Home Office Environment!


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of businesses are mandating remote work for their employees for the foreseeable future in an effort to try and mitigate the spread of the virus. Remote work, in general, is becoming more and more prevalent, yet a lot of us have never done it before! Here are five tips to make sure you're setting yourself up to have an efficiently run home office!

1) Dedicate a room or private space to serve as your and sunlight are your friends!

This will help you separate work life from home life, which is key to staying on task and limiting distractions!

2) Set up high-speed internet and a phone line (if a cellular phone isn't applicable)

3) Set up your desk at home to mirror how it looks at work

To be able to be just as efficient at home, you'll need all of the same tools:

  • Ergonomic computer set up

  • Printer

  • Phone

  • Stationery supplies

  • Pictures of your family, kids, fur-babies, etc.

4) Test all video conference technologies prior to utilizing them

Part of being able to successfully work remotely is staying connected with your team and the outside world. Video conference technologies are a great way to do that!

5) Keep water and healthy snacks nearby and use your lunch to take a walk outside and get some fresh air!

Be intentional and make the best of this period of working from home. There are so many positives to it! Use the time to get your work done and stay healthy at the same time. That way, when you're ready to get back to your office, you'll feel refreshed and ready to hit the ground running!