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How to Nail a Video Interview


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

Video interviews are becoming more and more popular with employers across the country. If you haven't participated in one yet, you probably will be asked to in the near future! It is a great way for each party to get know each other better if you are not local or able to come onsite. Take a look at the below tips so you can be camera ready!

1. Have the Proper Tools for Success

Some of us are very familiar with video conferences, but each tool is a bit different and you will want to make sure you are prepared technically. The day before the interview, log on and do a trail run. By doing this, you will make sure you have all appropriate plug-ins downloaded, and you can familiarize yourself with the functionality. Also, make sure your icon picture or user name is professional. No vacation selfies please! Check that your computer camera, microphone and audio are all set up and ready to go. This will eliminate any issues you may run into the day of.

2. Have a Strong Connection and Lots of Battery Power

Video interviews use up a lot of power so make sure you are plugged in or fully charged! Also ensure that you have a strong wifi connection where you are sitting. If you have to resort to using a SmartPhone, use a phone dock to eliminate any shaking and then you won't have to hold your phone.

3. Pick a Distraction-Free Room

Pick a room in your house or office that is clear from any visual or audio distractions. Pick a well lit room with no movie posters hanging or piles of laundry in the background! Also, steer clear of any public areas like coffee shops since there will always be lots of background commotion. Another no no is taking the video interview from your car! Last but not least, make sure to silence your notifications on your laptop and phone, there is nothing more distracting than a loud ringtone from a telemarketer to throw you off your game!

4. Dress the Part

Even though you are not meeting your potential employer in person, you should be dressed as if you are. Wear a suit or blazer and look completely polished from head to toe! This will not only make you look great, but will also give you some added confidence. Avoid any bright colors or patterns as they can throw off the focus and lighting of the camera.

5. Speak Clearly and When in Doubt, Pause

Project and annunciate! Speak slowly and avoid filler phrases like um, ah and mhm. These will only make you come off less sure of what you are speaking about. If you need a moment to gather your thoughts, try saying: "That is a great question, let me think about that for a moment." Remember that there is always a slight delay with any video conference, so it's helpful to pause for a moment after someone speaks to ensure you aren't cutting them off.

6. Body Language is Everything

Make sure you are sitting up straight with your shoulders back. Stay focused and hold eye contact as best as possible. Do not - I repeat - do not glance down at your phone for any reason. That will give the hiring manager the impression that you are not interested. If you want to take notes, be sure to let your interviewer know ahead of time so they are aware of what you are doing. It may seem like a given, but remember that while you're not physically sitting in front of them, you might as well be! Be cognizant of your physical reactions, facial expressions, and last but not least, SMILE!

Any interview can be a bit nerve racking, but don't let a video interview scare you. Remember to be as prepared as possible, and be yourself!