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How To Nail a Phone Interview


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

  1. Have your resume and any notes regarding the position on hand prior to the interview.

  2. Prepare at least three thoughtful questions to ask during your interview, typically at the end (NO HR-related questions, i.e. compensation or benefits).

  3. Dial in at least five minutes early to the call. Double-check your dial-in phone number the day before and make sure you’re in a quiet location with no background noise.

  4. Begin the interview with a warm, enthusiastic greeting. First impressions are very important.

  5. Wait for the hiring manager to lead the interview before jumping in.

  6. Be prepared to answer questions like “Why are you interested in working for our health system?”

  7. Be confident but humble. Answer all questions clearly and concisely, keeping your answers relevant to the position (DON’T TALK YOURSELF OUT OF A JOB).

  8. Speak slowly and avoid filler phrases such as “umm, like, ahhh, uhuh.”

  9. Stay positive.

  10. Take notes throughout the interview regarding details surrounding the position, team, organization, etc. This is not only great for you to reference, but also to include in your thank-you note.

  11. BE YOURSELF and be honest about the experience you do and DON’T have. If you don’t have direct experience in something, highlight any relevant/applicable experience.

  12. Close the interview by confirming your interest in the position and inquiring about next steps in the hiring process. Always end with thanking the hiring team for their time and consideration.

  13. Call your recruiter immediately after your interview.

  14. Provide a thoughtful “thank you “note within two hours of completing your interview.