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Epic Recruiters: What NOT to do


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

We’ve all ran into with recruiters with some bad habits, and candidates are always happy to share a negative experience. To build strong relationships and keep candidates engaged, here are a few quick tips!

  1. Don't communicate with candidates only via text or email- get to know the person you are going back and forth with and make sure this is a fit for both them and the client

  2. Don't share little information on the project and role- this will only hurt you in the end. Be honest about the qualifications, pay rate, and expectations

  3. Don't leave your candidates or clients hanging- remember that these are people you are speaking to. Following up with feedback (negative or positive) is very important

  4. Don't try to fill a role without knowing all of the information- get detailed information on the hiring manager, client, and role expectations

  5. Don't treat anyone like a number- building relationships is the most vital process to a successful recruiter. It is a small world, especially the Epic/ Healthcare industry

  6. Don't ignore the red flags- if your gut is telling you that something is not right, it is better to find the best fit and be honest about your concerns

  7. Don't submit anyone without a signed right to represent and references- this is the best way for you to cover yourself and your client

  8. Don't misrepresent your candidates' experience- be honest about the experience they do and don't have

  9. Don't forget about the culture- soft skills in most cases mean just as much as hard skills

  10. Don't get pushy- no one wants to speak to a pushy salesman with negative intentions. Listen and learn about your candidate's career goals and make sure it is the right opportunity for them