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5 Tips For Job Searching With Covid-19 Active


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

Searching for a job, interviewing, and potentially accepting a new job without ever being on-site is the reality with Covid-19. It can be a bit scary for anyone looking for their next home. With that said, there are countless companies in need of talented professionals and they are highly motivated to find someone just like you. Here are a few steps that will help prepare you for this new job climate.

1. Stay Positive


If you are in search of a job during this time, being positive can make all the difference in how effective you are. The reason this is so important is that being out of a job while quarantined can cause one to be discouraged and give up too quickly. Being positive allows you to have the right mindset and intention while searching for a new job so that you find the right job for you and don't just settle.

2. Define What You Are Looking For


This may seem pretty simple but, in reality, searching for a new job is an ideal time to take a step back and make sure you are looking for the right job. You are either in between jobs or are looking for something new because whatever you were doing prior did not work out. Most people just automatically search for roles that they are already in at another company. Focus on what you truly want to do and align your skillsets to find the right role for you.

3. Do Your Research

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You've established what you want to do, now it's time to find out where. Leveraging tools like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor, you can filter by location, title, industry, and even salary range. Taking the time to filter to exactly what you want allows you to avoid wasting time with roles that weren't going to work out at all. Once you have found a few job postings you are interested in, it is time to look into the companies. Going on the company's website and using the same tools you used to find them in the first place will have the information on what they do and reviews from current and past employees. Doing your research will ensure you found the right role at the right company.

Part of doing your research is making sure you are ready for interviewing with Covid-19. This means you will likely be interviewing without ever being in person. The best way to set yourself up for success is by researching the most common video conferencing tools like Zoom, GoToMeeting, Skype, Etc and practicing with all of them. The last thing you want is to make all of your efforts go to waste because of a tool getting in the way.

4. Leverage Outside Help

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You've defined what you're looking for, found a few companies and roles you're interested in, and have done all of this with a positive attitude. Now what? Most people aren't changing jobs enough to be experts at putting together a resume, a cover letter, interviewing, or hiring processes in general. If your car breaks down and you've only touched a wrench twice in your life, you're likely going to a mechanic for their expertise. When searching for a job, the experts are staffing firms. This scenario is even better because, unlike your mechanic, the firm gets paid by the companies they place candidates at; not by you. So you will get the expertise and the extended network of the staffing firm without anything coming out of your pocket.

5. Trust The Process

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If you've found a reputable staffing firm that knows what they were doing, they will work with you throughout the entire process from polishing and submitting your resume, prepping you for phone, video, and in person interviews, advise on how to write a thank you note, and they will even negotiate pay on your behalf. Being that this is their expertise, trust their process, be honest with them at all times, and do everything you can do represent who you are to your potential future employers.

If you follow these five steps, the daunting idea of finding a job during this time will be a fleeting thought and you will be one step closer to finding your dream job.