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Work/Life Balance--is There Such a Thing?


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

We've all been there. Work seems never-ending, there are deadlines to be met, it keeps piling up and begins to take a toll on our personal lives, relationships, and health. In order to balance a heavy workload alongside your personal life, you must be intentional (which is the theme here) with balancing it in the first place. Here are five quick tips to help you live a more balanced life in the present.

  1. Unplug.

    I know what you're thinking, "Easier said than done." When you unplug with a purpose, it will be simple. PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN! That's it, easy peasy. Be intentional. Set an alarm to put it on silent. Your loved ones will appreciate you for being fully present with them and you will have more fulfilling conversations and time spent with them or yourself.

  2. Prioritize your Mental and Physical Health

    "But I don't have TIME to exercise or meditate or read or journal or meal prep" or whatever other excuses you have to not do something to take care of yourself. We've all heard it before, "Put your oxygen mask on first." Take care of yourself and you will be your best self for work and life. We all have the same hours in a day as Beyonce. If you need some guidance on how to prioritize your time, I suggest reading The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. You'd be surprised by how much you get done before even stepping into work.

  3. Block Time

    By pre-planning your workday, you know what you need to do and how much time you have. Manage your schedule and stick to it. This will help keep you stay on track so that you don't bring work home with you!

  4. Limit Time-Wasting Activities

    These time-suckers will stop you from living a healthy, balanced life: TV, video games, checking Instagram every 15 minutes, procrastinating, outside conversations with coworkers, not sticking to your time-blocking, indecision, eating junk food, lounging around in the break room, the list goes on. All of these take up valuable time that can be spent getting your work done so that you can spend more time doing things and being around the people you love.

  5. Set Boundaries to Avoid Burnout

    Similar to the above, you must be protective of your time. If a coworker comes a-knockin' and starts chatting with you about how their cat "did the funniest thing yesterday", it's okay to politely share that you are on a deadline and you'd love to catch up at a later time. By setting boundaries with your calendar, your coworkers and yourself you will be much more efficient with your time which will allow you to be more present with your personal life.

In conclusion: you’ve got this! Yes, it's easy to get overwhelmed and we could go over tips and tricks all day but the most important word to remember is intention. Without it, you cannot change. Without change, life stays the same. Make the choice, be intentional, live life with purpose and everyone around you (yourself included) will be happier for it!