Dealing With Different Personalities in the Workplace
(Originally posted on LinkedIn)
In your everyday life, you try and surround yourself with like-minded people that bring you positivity. At work, you don’t necessarily choose who your manager is, or the personalities of the different members on your team. When you mix in different religions and political views on top of everything else, things are bound to get a little tricky. Here are some things to remembers when dealing with different personalities in the workplace:
1. Understand that everybody has the same end-goal
Everybody is working towards the same goal, whether that be to complete the project on time or the success of the company. Remember that different personalities and work styles also lead to different ideas and opinions. Just because somebody takes a different route to get to the finish line, doesn’t mean they are going in the wrong direction. It simply means they are accomplishing the same goal that you are, but doing it a bit differently.
“The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison.”
You might not have the same working style or viewpoints on the world as your teammates do, and that is totally ok. Different viewpoints of the world make life more interesting. Be sure, above everything else, to show respect for the people around you. Respect your team’s strengths and work styles, and be genuine when doing so!
3. Be adaptable
One minute, things can be running smoothly, and then suddenly some unforeseen setback popped up out of nowhere. A valuable member of the team might have quit or the deadline is now two weeks earlier. It is important to stay calm and use your strengths to keep things running smooth.
4. Don’t sweat the small stuff
The only thing you ever have complete control of is yourself. Come to work everyday with focus and discipline. If your team doesn’t do the same, shake it off. Don’t let the actions or work ethics of others deter from the amazing work that you are doing!