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Tips For The First Time Remote Worker


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

At this point, your office is probably working 100% remotely because of the coronavirus. If you've never done this before, it's most certainly going to be a big adjustment for you, your organization and those you live with. With work-life AND personal life now happening all under the same roof, there can be some blurred lines distinguishing the two. Our team has created some tips for the first time, remote worker! Some of us began working remotely just within the last year, while others are seasoned remote work experts. Take notes, these will definitely help you!

  1. Start your morning with your regular routine. Wake up early, take the time to get dressed, brush your teeth, make your bed, make coffee/breakfast and set your intentions for the day.

  2. Plan your schedule ahead of time and stick to it as much as possible. Time blocking will be your friend!

  3. Work from a designated workspace that has a chair and table. This will not only help with your posture, but most people hit the couch or living room after work to relax. By separating them you'll really feel the difference between working and relaxing.

  4. Leave the chores to your breaks or after work (see those dishes piling up? Forgot to put laundry in? Leave 'em!) it's so easy to get distracted when you start seeing what needs to get done around the house. Be mindful of where you are spending your time throughout your workday. And during this lockdown, you will have plenty of time to get those things done later!

  5. Remove your eyes from your screen for two 10/15 minute breaks (my favorites are to meditate, stretch or get in some fresh air).

  6. Utilize video software to connect with coworkers, we all need some face-to-face every day!

  7. When you're done with work, close everything up and leave your workspace behind!

Above all, make sure to practice your self-care every day. Only YOU know what that means to you. Some forms of self-care you can practice in your home are: cooking, meditating, reading, working out, painting, journaling, taking a bath, chatting on the phone with a loved one, gardening, writing a letter, sitting in your backyard patio or near an open window for fresh air, etc.