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Six Ways To Help You Land An Interview Request


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

The reality of applying for a job in current times is that every job posting you are interested in has likely been flooded with other applicants. This is because of how accessible and easy applying can be with LinkedIn, Indeed, etc. Here are a few ways that you can differentiate yourself and get the best chance of landing an interview.

Define Your Ideal Next Career Move

Before sending your resume around to any job posting you see, it is important to figure out what type of role you're interested in and should be applying for. It sounds like common sense, but the important part is making your search as efficient as possible while highlighting your skills. If you have one or two years of experience in a given field, you can't expect to get an interview request for a CEO position. On the other hand, you don't want to waste your time with junior positions if you are the best in your field. With that said, define the job that you're confident you have the right qualifications for and will be excited about!


Polish And Preparation

Only you know all of your skills and qualifications.  It is your responsibility to convey those to potential employers. Your resume and cover letter are the most important pieces of the puzzle to setting yourself up for success. These are the first impressions that a potential employer will have of you and can be what differentiates you from the crowd. When creating your resume, you want to be informative but avoid writing a book about yourself. You want to highlight your strengths and qualifications that align specifically with the role you're applying for and show a potential employer that you are a polished professional that is ready for the job. After you've polished your resume, writing a strong cover letter is the next way to set yourself apart from the rest. The importance of the cover letter is to showcase why you think you are meant for the role you're applying for while showing you are willing to go the extra mile. A large majority of applicants do not write a cover letter and some employers will review cover letters first. If they find a qualified applicant during that search, they may never even look at anyone that just sent a resume.


Be Ahead Of The Game

One of the most important parts of securing an interview is ensuring that you aren't the last person to apply. If a job posting has been open for a month, there are likely too many applicants to even get to. To get ahead of this, most job posting websites allow you to filter and create notifications. This way, as soon as a job gets posted within your filter range, you will get an email and be able to apply right away. Instead of having to search every day and potentially missing out on an amazing opportunity by applying too late, you'll be at the front of the line.


Don't Put All Of Your Eggs In One Basket

Because of how competitive the job market it, it is very important to increase your odds by applying to more than just one or two jobs. You won't just be increasing your odds mathematically, though. Job searching is a learned skill and the more jobs you apply to and interview for, the better you will become at the process. You will be able to differentiate what works and doesn't work while also getting the benefit of casting a wider net.


Connect With Potential Hiring Managers

Beyond just applying to multiple roles, don't count on your application being the only means of connecting with a potential employer. Do your research on LinkedIn and find the potential managers from the organization you applied at and then connect with them. You can take it a step further and send them an email or handwritten note showing your interest in working with them. These extra steps can make all the difference in getting through the door and into an interview.


Use Staffing Experts

Finding the right job for you, creating a polished resume and cover letter, and then applying to multiple positions can become a job in itself. Whether or not you are a seasoned professional who is skilled in finding a new job, utilizing staffing firms that specialize in the kinds of opportunities you’re looking for can make the process a lot easier. Because of a staffing firm's specialization, they will be able to leverage their expertise, experience, and network to help you have the highest odds of getting an interview. They do this by reviewing and revising your resume and cover letter, informing you of positions in their network before they are posted online, and can coach you throughout the entire process from submitting your application to receiving an offer.

Applying for a new job and trying to get that interview request can be very stressful but it should be more exciting than anything else! If you follow the items listed above, you will have created a highly efficient and effective process that will ensure your greatest chance of getting passed the application process and securing an interview.
