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Is Your Recruiting Firm Putting You First?


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

Someone once told me, "Not all recruiters play by the same rules" and I think most of us can attest to that! Recruiters wear many hats, but the one thing that should be at the center of everything they do, is you! Take a look at these few key things to look out for when deciding if a recruiter has YOUR best interests at heart!

1. They make it about YOU!

The first and most important thing is that you feel like they are taking the time to get to know you. Not only your technical skills but finding out what's important to you from all sides. Is this job going to help you get to where you want to be? Where DO you want to be? What is keeping you from getting there currently? These are all things your recruiter should be getting to know about you upfront. And hey, if that aligns with the position they are calling you for, great! But if not, they are honest and will let you know this may not be the best fit for you. And that brings me to my second point...



Now that I think about it, this has to be tied for first place! You cannot have a successful relationship with a recruiting firm if you don't have trust. The most important way for a recruiter to build your trust? They do what they say they will do! Whether that is getting you some tips on how to spruce up your resume or sending you the job description for you to take a deeper look at. You know they are good for it! A recruiter that is putting you first won't shy away from being upfront with you about the good and the bad. You trust that will have your best interests at heart no matter what.


3. They Won't Push You

Making a job change is a massive decision and not something to take lightly. A good way to tell if a recruiter is really looking out for what you want is to see how they handle any apprehension on your end. If you are unsure about relocating for this new job, are they pushy or convincing you to? Or are they taking a step back, helping you do the research, and making you take some time to discuss it with your family? It will not benefit you to rush into something before you have really thought about it from all sides, and a great recruiter will make you feel comfortable doing so.


4. They Always Have Time For You

Landing a new job is not simple and the road to get there has a lot of pit stops! You should feel comfortable reaching out to your recruiter at any point in the process for any reason. Not only do they make time for you, but they will prioritize it from the start. They will spend time explaining this new role to you in detail and make sure it's right for you. Once you've decided this is the role for you, they will do whatever it takes to set you up for success! A great recruiter will take the initiative to help get your resume in great shape, set up interviews and interview preps, and stay in close contact with you the entire time. They will constantly follow up with you and you will never feel like you are bugging them!


The truth is, a recruiter’s main role is to help candidates get to where they want to be. If their motives ever feel less about you, and more about them, trust your instincts and move on!


Use Staffing Experts

Finding the right job for you, creating a polished resume and cover letter, and then applying to multiple positions can become a job in itself. Whether or not you are a seasoned professional who is skilled in finding a new job, utilizing staffing firms that specialize in the kinds of opportunities you’re looking for can make the process a lot easier. Because of a staffing firm's specialization, they will be able to leverage their expertise, experience, and network to help you have the highest odds of getting an interview. They do this by reviewing and revising your resume and cover letter, informing you of positions in their network before they are posted online, and can coach you throughout the entire process from submitting your application to receiving an offer.

Applying for a new job and trying to get that interview request can be very stressful but it should be more exciting than anything else! If you follow the items listed above, you will have created a highly efficient and effective process that will ensure your greatest chance of getting passed the application process and securing an interview.
