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Six Ideas for Staying Active...While Remaining Socially Distant!


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

While everyone is doing their part to flatten the curve by practicing social distancing, we're all trying to find new and creative ways to keep our minds and bodies active! Here are six fun things to try:

1) Get outside!

There is nothing that does as much good for you like some sunshine and fresh air. Go on a walk, a bike ride or a hike. For those of you lucky enough to live near a beach, go on a run by the water!

2) Do a live-stream workout

Most gyms, workout studios, and personal trainers are working hard to find ways of keeping their clients healthy and active from home by live-streaming their workouts. Whether you love yoga, CrossFit, strength training or HIIT, there are options for everyone!

3) Blast your favorite music and DANCE!

Nothing is more fun than putting on your favorite song and dancing like no one is watching...the great thing is that it keeps your heart rate up too!

4) Gather your friends and family (on video conference, of course) and do a group workout

Research group workouts and choose someone to lead it. It's a great way to spend time with your loved ones while keeping everyone accountable for staying active!

5) "Housewalking"

This term was coined for those whose everyday schedules get in the way of a normal workout routine. Wear a step counter all day and get steps in any way that you can -- watching TV, brushing your teeth, talking on the phone, walking up and downstairs, even walking around the kitchen while preparing healthy meals!

6) Stretch

Stretching is something you can do anytime, anywhere! It keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy while increasing your range of motion and performance in physical activities.