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How to Nail the Most Commonly Answered Interview Question


Originally published on LinkedIn

How many of us have been on an interview that started with, "So, tell me a little bit about yourself?" With a question that broad, there are a million ways to respond and we've found that nailing your 60-second story is your best shot at making a strong first impression! This method allows you to share snippets of who you are without overloading the interviewer.

 The Formula consists of 15 Seconds of Each Segment:

1) Identity. Who are you and what are your motivations? 

2) Struggle. What did you go through while on your journey? (keep it positive!)

3) What did you discover along your way? (did you find your passion?)

4) What is your goal? (where do you want to be?)

 Example Story:

1. Identity: I started my Epic journey back in 2008 as a ClinDoc Credentialed trainer. I absolutely loved it and after a year I was sent to receive my curriculum certification to become a ClinDoc Principal Trainer.

2.  Struggle: While I loved being a ClinDoc Principal Trainer, I quickly realized the next step in my next career would be to become an Analyst. I had an opportunity with another healthcare system to receive my certification and to become a ClinDoc Analyst. I was not sure if it would be for me as I loved teaching, I love people and especially working with the end-users, however, I felt it was the right career move to make.

3.  What did you discover along your way?: I’ve worked as a ClinDoc Analyst for the past two years and while I do love what I do, I realized my true passion lies within education. 

4.  What your goal is?: My goal is to obtain a position where I can blend my experience working as both an Analyst as well as a Principal trainer.

By utilizing this method during your interview you will never need to second guess yourself, it will help keep the interviewer engaged and your story will come across clearly and concisely without rambling. You can gather a few coworkers to collaborate together, practice with your valued Epic colleague, or share it with your dog. Remember, practice makes perfect!