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Benefits of Working with a Great Recruiter


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

Some of you have worked with recruiters for years, and some may be considering it for the first time! Here are some ways that you can benefit from working with a great recruiter that you trust.

They Will Help You Shine Your Brightest

Most job-seekers are not applying for jobs every week, and may need a little help preparing for the steps that take place in the hiring process. Luckily, partnering with a recruiter who does this day in and day out is a great way for you to reap the benefits of their expertise. A great recruiter will help you with anything and everything throughout the hiring process. From getting your resume in the best shape possible, to prepping you for that interview you’re nervous about, they will help you every step of the way.

They Will Give You Honest Feedback

Recruiters know the industry and the qualities hiring managers are looking for. They have seen the good, the bad and the ugly and they will help you knock down any red flags employers may see. For example, say you are an incredibly strong communicator and can talk to someone all day about who you are and what you can bring to the table. But on the flip side, your resume falls short and doesn't have that “wow” factor. A recruiter that gives you constructive criticism will help you put your personality on paper and could be the difference between you landing that interview or not!

They Will Help You With What's Next

Of course, the goal is for you to land the job that you have applied and interviewed for. Your recruiter will help you negotiate an offer that you are excited about and help you transition from one job to the next. Whether that is helping you give your two-week-notice, or help you with apartment hunting in the new city your moving to!

If things don't go the way we had hoped, having a recruiter by your side will benefit you in multiple ways. A recruiter will give you honest feedback from the hiring manager that will most likely help you when applying for future roles. Additionally, you have built a great relationship with a recruiter who will continue to go to bat for you on the job hunt!