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Tips for Air Travel During COVID-19


(Originally posted on LinkedIn)

Air travel in the United States is starting to increase as most states are easing their restrictions to slow the spread of the coronavirus. If you are someone that has to (or wants to) travel by plane in the near future, here are some tips to help keep you (and those around you) safe!

Wear a Face Mask

At this point, you probably have quite a few face masks to use (make sure you're throwing them away or washing them after each use), but the N95 masks seem to be the strongest. As the name indicates, the N95 mask is designed to block 95% of very small particles. If you are unable to find an N95 mask, cloth masks and other types of materials tremendously help to stop the spread and contraction of coronavirus. Most airlines are requiring passengers to keep their masks on for the duration of the flight, so be prepared to keep it on throughout your travel day. You can purchase N95 masks HERE!


Try to Practice Social Distancing

Though you can't help it if you have to wait in line with a large number of people or whom you sit next to on a plane, you can have some control over how far away you are while inside the airport. You can maintain your distance throughout the airport by sitting farther away from others, staying six feet behind someone in line, etc.


Cover Coughs and Sneezes

Even though you're wearing a mask, it's important to practice covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing anyway! If not secured tightly, a bandana or cloth over your face may not be enough to stop the exertion of your sneeze as particles could fly out from underneath. This really is all about being mindful to protect those around you. To be extra safe, cover your face!


Clean Your Hands Often

It's especially important after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose. Particles can be picked up on your clothes, cell phone, chairs, suitcases, etc. Most people touch their face over 16 times per hour without even realizing it. To protect you and those around you, wash your hands (properly, see diagram)! If you can't find a place to wash your hands, bring a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol and use it often.


Disinfect All Surfaces At Your Seat on The Plane

Make sure you wipe down every surface of an airplane seat, and I mean EVERY surface! The armrests, the air control, the seatbelt, the tray, the magazines, the screen, the entire chair itself. Wipe it all down thoroughly with an antibacterial disinfectant wipe. If you're able to, offer them to your neighbor to ensure you both are protected!


Some of these tips may seem redundant or elementary at this point, but they are there for a reason and are by far the most effective with preventing the spread of coronavirus. We are wishing you good health and safe travels!